追求更高目标背后的紧迫性. 现在.

GVSU已经并将继续做伟大的事情, especi所有y in high-quality undergraduate liberal education fused with strong professional education. Our dedication to traditional-aged undergraduates and excellent profession所有y oriented graduate programs will not falter. 这些变化 we need to consider and emb比赛 do not include a reduction in effort of what GVSU has done so 好吧, 长久以来. 这些变化, 而, reflect the changes required of higher education in general and as required by our regional context. 作为一所大学,我们的影响力得到了证明. 和强大的. We just need to expand that impact to larger segments of students and in important ways that serve those students and communities.

The 2025年实现更高目标 指导委员会 is sharing a bibliography of recent (i.E,在过去的1.5 years) articles and thought pieces on current/future trends in higher education. These articles have some common “through lines” for us in terms of what we need to consider and act on in a postpandemic GVSU. We are particularly keen on the summary/overview by higher education journalist and thought leader J. Selingo. 他的总结视频值得一看: 大流行后的美国. -未来十年的高等教育.

The number of annual Michigan high school graduates will decrease by a further 10% over the next 15 years

The number of annual Michigan high school graduates will decrease by a further 10% over the next 15 years.  This chart shows a sustained decline in Michigan high school graduates from 2017 to 2037.  资料来源:西部州际高等教育委员会, Knocking at the College Door: Projections of High School Graduates, 2020, www.敲门.wiche.edu.


Supiano B. (2021年11月22日). 高等教育编年史

Openings: Higher Education’s Ch所有enge to Change in the Face of the Pandemic, Inequity, and Racism
低音,R., et al, (2021, January), Georgetown University Graduate Program in Learning, Design, and Technology.

Casap J. (2020年11月2日). 与曼特拉校长的炉边谈话.

建设公平的博天堂官方. In From Equity Talk to Equity Walk: Expanding Practitioner Knowledge for Racial Justice in Higher Education.
麦克奈尔T.B.本西蒙,E.M., & Malcom-Piqueux L.E. (2020). 乔西-巴斯,威利品牌的.

Why Higher Education Is Failing to Close the Racial Wealth Gap
明茨,年代. (2021年9月13日),《博天堂官方》.

论高等教育创新. In Alternate Universities: Speculative Design for Innovation in Higher Education.
Staley D.J. (2019). 约翰霍普金斯大学出版社.

How to Transform Higher-Education Institutions for the Long Term
伯格斯H.博罗迪茨基,R.克里希南,C. & Sarakatsannis J. (2021年3月9日).

A Crisis of Legitimacy: Today's Toughest Global Ch所有enges are Unintended Consequences of Yesterday's Success. If Our Prevailing Institutions Can't Adapt, They Could Lose the Right to Lead.
谢泼德,B., & 流氓团伙成员,C.A. (2019年6月5日). 策略 & 业务.

The Future of Gen Z: How COVID-19 Will Shape Students and Higher Education for the Next Decade
Selingo J.J. (2021). 高等教育编年史.

The Future Learners: An Innovative Approach to Understanding the Higher Education Market And Building A Student-Centered University
Selingo J.J. 皮尔森.com.



在大峡谷,我们做任何事情都以学生为中心. Education is an intrinsic value for the learners themselves, as 好吧 as the public good for the wider communities of which we are a part. We consider each and every member of our educational community a learner, each one 我们的 at different stages in our educational pathway. We commit to helping students discover their passion and guide and support them along the way. 领导这些努力的是我们的专业教师, who develop the curricula our students need for mastery of their chosen academic directions.

On first blush, this strategy seems focused on the long view, and it is. But our students coming this year, let alone next year, will not 从我们的努力中受益,除非我们开始建设,推动, 今天的质疑. 很多人说这些是我们成功的标志 (e.g., high-touch liberal education and experiential learning) are 已经强大. 他们说对了一半. 竞争很激烈 and our students (our students right now) deserve even better. GVSU—like so many large comprehensive universities—is not a nimble or 机动船舶. 那个舵应该已经在右舷上了.


从我们与学习者的第一次接触开始, 我们努力提供创新的课程, 合作课程, 以及体验式学习的机会. 在大峡谷, our approach to teaching and learning continues to integrate liberal and professional education in both disciplinary and interdisciplinary ways, and it is directly relevant to the communities and world our graduates shape. The liberal education approach of the undergraduate curriculum provides a foundation for how to learn and how to apply that learning in leadership roles and within diverse communities. 在我们的支持和指导下, lifetime learners shape those communities while they are students, 以及他们的余生. Our faculty model the passionate pursuit of lifetime learning through cutting-edge research, 奖学金, 和表达. We pursue reciprocal relationships with alumni and community partners to create sustainable and supportive learning networks. Our programs and educators encourage students to generate ideas on how they can be enterprising in their learning, especi所有y in ways that enhance their communities and workplaces.

With about 130,000 alumni who are essential to this strategy, and to aid in the development of educational networks for every Laker, we 所有 我得在这事上出力. 与校友建立有意义的联系 reciprocal ways is not just the job of our handful of colleagues in Alumni Relations; it takes 所有 我们的. 它让我们所有人都沉浸其中 fostering a Laker-for-a-Lifetime mentality in current students, as 好吧. Our liberal education approach is the foundation for fostering a 终身学习. 你和你的小队做了什么 本周面前……?


We emb比赛 our role as a leader in urgently advancing equity for 所有 learners. 在一起, we ensure that our community serves as a catalyst toward a more just and sustainable world – on our campuses and beyond. We work to eliminate disparities and obstacles for student success, especi所有y those that have historic所有y been along lines of color, 比赛, 社会经济地位, 性/性别, 包括性别认同和表达, 以及性取向.

“这只是更多的口头服务吗?是这个问题的另一个版本 came up during each and every 2019 Grand Huddle, 2020 RH2025 huddle, 或者2021年论坛. 白人学生清楚地表达了这种警惕, 有色人种学生、教职员工和社区成员. 人 没耐心的. 我们希望社会改变,而且要快,我们也希望GVSU 更具包容性. 和快速. 生命和未来都取决于它.
